Friday, April 18, 2014


Love Doesn't Have a Gender.

Love is about the moment.

Love is about a companion.

Love is about being close.

Love is about passion and sex!

Love is about the journey of life.

Love is about trust.

Love is about safety.

Love is about exhilaration and joy!

Love is about steamy passion and wet kisses.

Love is about forever and ever and ever.

Love is about comfort.

Love can happen to anyone anywhere.

Love Doesn't Have a Gender!

Take credit for your powerful mind...

Monday, April 14, 2014

TIME Magazine cover for Bitcoin

Hello all,

I recently had an assignment to do a headline for the new Bitcoin ATM's that are coming to the United States. Check out my cover, and let me know what you think.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Creepy Easter Bunnies- Save your Children!!

Just yesterday, I was scrolling through my newsfeed on Facebook, and I saw an image of someone's toddler sitting on the Easter bunnies lap at a local Cupcake store. My son saw the picture and commented. I told him that the bunny was definitely not THEE Easter bunny. It was an abomination. The Easter bunny is a bunny... not someone dressed in a costume, which this impostor so clearly was. What a pity! Kids all over the country are duped into sitting on some weirdo's lap... dressed as a bunny.

So, enjoy my compilation of Creepy Easter Bunnies.

Cringe a little... and then do your kids a favor and don't take them to these monstrosities.

She knew something was wrong there...

Do as your told Lucy and sit on the nice bunny's lap. Cringe!

Low budget photographer results. 

Why? Just WHY?

Where did they find this guy? :/

Those eyes...........

I just plain don't like this one.

Something from Stephen King...

IT meets the Easter Bunny

You can trust this guy.

Anyone who wears bright colors and polkadots has got to be okay! :)

Okay, now seriously... spare your kids of taking pics with these impostors. And if you have to take them, don't post them on Facebook! 

Funny Bunnies- As Told by a 4 Year Old

Since Easter is coming soon, my 4 year old son and I decided to do a blog about funny bunnies. I hope you get a smile out of these. My little boy was certainly chuckling and gleeful over these fuzzy butts! :) Happy Easter.

My son provided the captions!

"Smiling. He's happy, mommy."

"He's a fat bunny."

"Tired bunny. He's a tired bunny. It's so silly."

"Moose bunny." (I confirmed that this is what he actually meant. hmmm)

"Kung-Fu fighting. HA!"

(he had nothing to say here)

"He's a hoppin bunny!"

Smile! :)

Most Impactful and Thought-Provoking TIME Magazine Covers

Following are some impactful TIME covers. It takes a strong concept to offer a new way of thinking with only an image and a little type. Comment your favorite and how it has challenged your way of thinking. 

More power to the mommies!

We have to recognize our responsibility to knocking out species sooner than nature intended. 

Who are you voting for?


Maybe there already is another ewe... you. 

Love in any form is okay with me! :)

errrrr. Insert America here... (into everything)

:() Is this a frog face? It was completely accidental.
Conspiracy theorists say we already have the cure... what do you think?

Oh what an endless pursuit it is! What is it all about? (she yelled to the Gods in futility.)

Drink up! It's good for you! YUM

I remember this debate. It seems like so long ago.

Is God alive? What does it mean either way?

Share, comment, and chatty chat. Just be inspired by others. No hokey pokey business!

Churches: No taxes= BIG Business

Churches are corporations, and they aren't shy about exploiting people to make money off of them. They use drama segments and peer pressure every Sunday and at special events too! Isn't that great? You think your money will help someone, but in reality it goes into the pocket of the "Board" who decides how to spend the money... playing the stocks.. sure! How about a new gigantic big screen T.V for the pastor's house for game day? Why not? How about building a giant new church and landscaping it for a million bucks instead of feeding a million mouths?


Help someone instead of helping the church! The church only helps itself. 

Religion is not of God, or whatever his/her name is to you.


Resume' made for a client. Typography removed to protect client's privacy. 
Please ask about having a custom resume' done for yourself. Nothing says professionalism like taking time to make sure something is a good representation of who you are and what you can provide for an employer!
This image is property of Dark Tower Designs