Sunday, September 28, 2014

My Query Letter-

Agent Person
Some street number
Some town, Some Country

Agent Person,
I know that I’m not meant to be alive. It runs in my family. It’s nothing you can convince me otherwise because it is my truth. No amount of talk or therapy or prescriptions are going to change that.
            You got a truth? I know you do. Every family does. But, the difference between you and me is not everyone knows your family secrets. Everyone knows mine, and if they forget, they can check the papers.
     You got it on your mind now. I can see it in your eyes. My family isn't any more messed up than yours… than anyone’s. It’s all about phases, energy, and those goddamned generation curses. But, hey, look at the bright side; maybe your curse can be broken. I can respect that. But, not mine. Mine’s stone. It’s not going to change.
Please consider my novel, Water and Stone. Complete at 92,000 words, one reader has referred to my manuscript as Kafka-esque. This novel will find readership among those who enjoy sci-fi works like those of Margaret Atwood and the psychological horror of Stephen King.
            The first chapter of Water and Stone was chosen for awards for the Agnes Hyde writing contest, and it was published in the Spring 2014 edition of the literary journal, Prairie Winds. I have a double major in Creative Writing and Web/Graphic Design. My second novel is entitled, Tickets to See the Sun. 

 I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration. 

 Kind Regards, 

Amber R. Hiles

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