Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Why are the Eldery Uncomfortable with Technology?

Sure there are a lot of reasons that the older generation shies away from using technology. I'm sure you have an opinion about it. The reasons I have read are as follows:
1. Learning something new in old age is hard.
2. Motor skills that are needed for typing and "mousing" (I think I just made this up) are not as sharp.
3. With time constraints, people would rather do things they enjoy than learn something new.

I don't know how many elderly people you know who say this:

"Technology is rotting minds."
"It's a waste of time."
"Porn freaks!"
"Nothing you do online is safe."
"I don't want to be a victim."

--but I have heard this a few times... okay maybe not the porn freaks thing, but I am sure it has been said. So, what do we do to show the older generation the value of the internet, of being mobile, of being connected? How can we show the elderly that being connected doesn't make face to face contact less and less meaningful, but it actually enhances it? How can we show them that being online isn't just about being addicted to it, but rather, being addicted to others... to people. How can we show how networks enhance our daily lives in so many different ways? How can we PROVE to them that being hyperconnected is not evil?

The best way to do it, I guess... is to show it. So, I propose this. I will keep a log of my daily routines using technology (mainly cell, tablets, and computers), and hopefully one day this log can be made into a book that the elderly will read, and they can see for themselves how it enriches my life (maybe it will help before the older generation is replaced... that's a morbid thought). They can see for themselves how it can enrich their lives, and it isn't just a waste of time.

Additionally, learning new skills at any age, especially the upper years is good for the brain! It's science!