Monday, September 29, 2014

Queries, Agents, Publishing, OH MY!

A year ago, after my finishing my first novel, I thought that the hard part was over. I had some friends at the university, so I had everyone in the English department in on the project. It was reviewed, edited, and reviewed and edited again. Then, I killed my darlings (30,000) of them, and had it reviewed and edited yet again.

It was ready, right? Finished. Finito. Now, all I had to do was write a query and get picked up by an agent.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

I have been through at least 59 versions of my query letter. When I first finished the novel, I thought compressing the novel down to a couple short paragraphs was the most impossible task. I'm getting better at it. Actually, I just submitted what I feel is my final version to query shark. I know I have a lot to learn, but I am researching like an obsessed teacher's pet.

There are a lot of things I am finding out about the publishing world and myself.

I figured, after a bunch of rejections, that I could self-publish. Not only do I have a Creative Writing degree, but I also have a Digital Media and Design degree. (I thought they went hand in hand!) Knowing how to create my own cover art and format the entire look of the novel is going to save me a lot of money. I can do that all by myself, so why do I need an agent?

Well, maybe I don't. But, do I want one? Hell yes, I do.

It's not that I'm not up for the task of marketing. I can handle websites (hell, I can create websites myself). I can sell door to door. I can travel all around to bookstores. I can start book clubs. I can do press releases and volunteer work. I can promote my book, no problem. I am great with branding and I am an entrepreneur at heart. I'm not intimidated by the road of self-publishing, and I get to keep all my cash, right? Well, I guess it depends on who I have publish for me. I need to do more research! Typing. Clicking. AhHa

There are a gazillion publishers out there. Some are closing down, some are just starting up. I don't want just any publisher. Bagging one of the big names would be AWESOME, but we'll see how it goes. I was checking out a publisher last night, and in the submission guidelines, it said,


Hmmmm. I want a better relationship with my publisher than that. But, I guess the bonding can come later.

Then I see all these agents in social media space lamenting their full inboxes and telling tales of how terrible the queries are. Why do they do what they do if they don't enjoy it? Are they really so bogged down with terrible queries that they are just shutting down from the inside?

Then comes that moment... you finally find the perfect agent... one you think you can connect with and the relationship will be great. He/she doesn't want you back. Again, and again, and again.

Back to the query. Make it better. Sharper. Hook that baby.

What is the best way for me? Right now, I don't really know. I feel like I can build myself up and prove my sales. The most important thing for me is to get my book out there. I'm ready to work, and I work HARD. I am anal-retentive and I am obsessed with excellence. I am going to work my A** off to get my book out there into hands.

So, let's do it.

How do I do this?

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