Saturday, March 29, 2014

Amanda Hocking.... Amber Hiles... AH

I have been doing some research. I don't mind doing it. It only bothers me that it keeps me from writing, editing, or designing. Anyway, I was reading about self-publishing vs. traditional publishing. I read so many articles that I can't remember who wrote what or where I read it.

The one thing I took away from tonight's research is that this is going to be a lot of work. I am excited for the challenge. I will do what it takes to honor my work, but one thing I won't do is change what I write to fit a market...

I'm not saying that the other AH did that... it just seemed like prudent planning. Obviously she enjoys writing YA or else she wouldn't do it, right?

So, I told myself, "Amber, why don't you see what is selling hot and fast and wiggle into the market?" I almost typed something into Google to get that search going...

But, I'm not going to. I write what I write because I have a passion for the story. The characters drive me to write their stories, and I can't change that. I can't make them fit into a niche. I can't make them do things that people want to see.

So, will I have readers? God, I hope so!

One thing I know is that I am not a YA writer. I could be one, sure. I could probably be successful. At the rate that I write when a good session is going, I could pop one of those suckers out once a month. Sounds good... lucrative even. But, it's not me.

Where do I fit?

Adult... Horror. Thriller. Suspense.

I want to be the chill on your neck. I want to give you something new to think about... a new way to see yourself and the world around you. I want you to know that there are other worlds than these. Billions, in fact.

Women's Horror....  There might be something to that. Maybe not.

Amanda Hocking- Small town, mid-west, mid-twenties.
Amber Hiles- Small town, mid-west, late twenties.

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