Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How I'm Feeling Today

Today, I see a bunch of upwardly mobile tweeters chirping back and forth, and I look at my numbers... one in particular... my followers. I have 9. No, it is not a typo. I have 9. Granted, I have not been an active tweeter until recently, but still... I feel like I can't compete with the big dogs. I am just an annoying yipping pooch trying to mark my territory amongst lions. What a teeny, tiny bird I am.

Instead of wallowing, I really should be writing a short story or doing some work to the novel, but sometimes focus is difficult. Today is one of those days. Not to mention, I have a novel to read for school. We have been reading one banned American novel a week. This week is "Song of Solomon" by Toni Morrison. I hope one day to write that good! Wow.

Anyway, if you are an aspiring writing, a writer that doens't have a lot of exposure, or a depressed writer in a sea of predators, know that you aren't alone. It's a lonely life. Lonely, lonely... It makes me think of some of my favorite writers who wrote openly about the hard time they had of life and the life as a writer.. Sylvia Plath for sure... OH! If you haven't ever heard her read "Daddy," do it right now!! Here, I will post a vid for you!

Leave a comment and let me know if you enjoyed it. I am listening to it right now. I love her voice. Pay attention to the "oooo" sounds. The first time I heard her read this, I was haunted for days... days... haunted for days.... and my taroc pack and my taroc pack.... I think I may well be a Jew....

There I go again, getting off topic, but this time it is a good thing (gobble dee goo). My original train of thought was kind of damaging...

Well, my boys are out shoveling snow. Six inches and another six inches coming... It is sticky as frozen molasses out there... April 10th... Snow... Yep I live in the midwest. I'm talking about the weather. Sorry.... I'm through... Daddy, I'm finally through. If I've killed one man I've killed two...

Seven years if you want to know....

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