Thursday, April 11, 2013

The voices...

Sorry that so many of my posts today were from other people. There is an overflowing wellspring of information out there, and I was thrilled with just about everything I read. I want to be a success; I want to have a career as an author, a novelist, a writer. Amber Hiles... writer... the weird lady who has voices in her head and is always thinking about a story.

Which brings me to my next point... if you want to be a good writer, you have to READ... and the second thing-- it's pretty straightforward: WRITE. Do both of those things often, and you will improve. Write about all the things inside of yourself that you don't want to think about. All of the terrible thoughts you have in your head, the images of your family dead on the side of the road, your fears, your fantasies. Write about second grade. Write about the time you discovered your first pubic hair. Whatever it is that is on your mind, tell the story. Get it out of the way so that really good stuff has room in your brain to blossom. Don't ignore the junk in your head. Get it out. Write it. Re-live it. Face it. Own up to it. Be that person you are afraid to be. Be the person you used to be. Be the person you always wanted to be. Imagine.

Got it? Get started!
So, it would be a good idea to have a notebook of somekind. You can get college rule, wide ruled, journal style, anything you like, for close to nothin. Your nephew probably has one that he never used because he hates school and would rather trade pokemon cards. (Are those out of date yet?)
Give the dark places in your mind a place to go... the notebook. Write it, keep writing; allow the writing session to take you where ever your mind takes you. Just keep your fingers to the keys. Keep your pen to the paper. Keep your pencil furiously scribbling. Ignore syntax. Ignore the lines in the notebook. Ignore the voices in your head that tell you, "Don't write that. What will people think? They are all going to think you are some kind of whack job. You're wasting your time. You aren't ever going to be a writer. You can write novels all your life... no one is going to buy them..."
Are you ready to set that nasty, mean, hurtful jerk in your head on fire. Me too! What a bastard.
Have a good night, all. Listen to the voices....

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