Monday, April 8, 2013

Pinterest for Authors

Found this article while I was messing around tonight.

I have already been using Pinterest to showcase my book and to attract some attention. It was great fun searching for photos that reminded me of some scenes in the book. It's the only way you will bring the images to the virtual world without a movie deal! 

See my pinboard here:::

Please follow the board if you are a fellow addicted pinner!! :)

Here is the article by Amanda Luedeke: (It is not the entire article.
Read it:

1. Create a novel inspiration pinboard.
Tease your fans by creating a pinboard that showcases photos of people and locations that inspired your upcoming book. This would also be a great thing to pass on to your publishing house’s design team. It would give them a helping hand when creating the perfect book cover. (I’ve also heard of authors looking to their fans to help “cast the roles” of their favorite characters. It’s a neat game.)
2. Create a novel comparison pinboard.
Think of the authors within your genre who write stories similar to your own. Gather their book covers, author photos, and whatnots, and put them on a pinboard. This can be your “If you like ________, you’ll also like my book!” board. (If you have a published book, be sure to add it to the pinboard as well!) You never know when it might hook some potential fans.
3. Create an upcoming cover art pinboard.
Fans love leaked images, so when you begin working through cover designs with your publisher (or even if you e-publish!), be sure to “leak” the images to your pinboard. Ask for fan input and make them feel part of the process. Plus, Pinterest is designed to make it easy for users to share images. If you start seeing your book’s cover appear on multiple boards, you know you’ve got a winner.
4. Create a blog pinboard.
Some authors see success with Pinterest when they consistently pin photos from their blog posts. This requires you to (a) maintain a blog, (b) include photos with each post, and (c) properly pin those photos. But the general idea is that if you end up with some photos that attract attention, people will click through to see where they originated.
5. Encourage wish lists.
This is an idea I stole from the clothing store Express. During the 2012 holiday season, they offered a shopping spree to one lucky Pinner who put together an Express wish list. At the time this was written, Pinterest’s search engine was totally unreliable, so if you try this idea, you’ll need to develop some way for Pinners to let you know their boards exist. But the basic idea is that you ask Pinners to create holiday (or Valentine’s Day, etc.) wish lists in which they pin books that they want, including some of yours. One lucky winner will receive a prize. The ultimate payoff with this tactic is that it encourages family and friends of these Pinners to actually go out and purchase some of these wish list items as gifts. That’s what happened to me. I made my Express pinboards, and though I didn’t win anything, I received three Express items that holiday season from family and friends.
Proper Pinning 101
  • Create great, concise descriptions of each pin, using hashtags, keywords, links, and more.
  • Pin book covers from sites in which the book can actually be purchased.
  • Tag every book cover pin with genre, author, and title information

So, now you know! :) If you have a pinboard like any of the above-mentioned, let me know. I will look you up and "follow" you.

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