Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Setting Type- Art form and a Science

The following are some Q&A concerning typesetting... especially for blocks of text. Information from:

1. Discuss why line length is important when setting type.
            - If the line is too short, there will be too many hyphenated words. This forces the readers to jump to the new lines so often that it affects reading comprehension. Conversely, a long line length is cumbersome and confusing. A general guide is to have 45-75 characters per line depending on type and x-height.

2.  Should the default leading the best choice for lengthy text?
            It can be used, but each typesetter should pay close attention to the line spacing according to what they are trying to achieve. Different typefaces have different x-heights, and sometimes the leading needs to be adjusted. For example, I have been setting the text for my novel in InDesign, and I found that 140% of the point size is actually preferable for readability. Careful attention should be paid to the leading of any body of text. Additionally, all caps text begs to be leaded closer that upper and lower case type. Because there are no descenders, the block looks good with negative leading.

3. Discuss the different types of alignment.
            -Flush left- this is the default setting. It aligns text to the left margin and allows the right margin to rag. I found that this is a very bad alignment choice for novels!
            -Flush right- this style aligns to the right and rags to the left. It is difficult to read, and should only be used intentionally for artistic style. 
            -Justified- both the right and left margins align. This results in a geometric block of text. You have to be careful when using this alignment tool, because it can result in characters and words that are too compressed or too expanded. This looks very messy and amateurish. You can adjust this alignment setting in your paragraph settings to achieve a better look.
            -Centered- this alignment method centers the text. It is good for titles and headlines, but is hard to follow with larger blocks of text.
            -Wrap-Around- text that wraps around an object. It is a useful tool when setting type with images, but careful attention must be paid to make sure there are no widows hanging about.
            -Countoured- Contoured type is arranged in a particular shape or to fit a particular shape. This is used for aesthetic reasons.

4. Discuss different ways to create separation of thought.
            -First line indents are the most common. The indent can be adjusted, and for stylistic purposes, the first line should be not be indented. There is nothing to separate it from.
            -Extreme indents are sometimes to the depth of half of the column width. It is used on the first few paragraphs for a classy and interesting look.
            -Hanging indents are also known as an outdent. It is the opposite of an indent in that the first line hangs out of the left of the paragraph.
            -Dingbats can be used to separate text. It is a graphic element that is placed between the last sentence of a paragraph and the first word of the new paragraph.

5. When should extra line space in paragraphs be used?

            -It is most appropriately used in e-mail and print correspondence and in short pieces like advertisements and intro copy on the web.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Book Shout Out

Check them out! 

I am ordering The Cabinet or Curiosities right now.

Dies the Fire hooked me right away. It fills me full of that uncertain fear... the cold neck sweat... the feeling that someone is behind you as you crane your neck trying to find a comfortable reading position.



Queries, Agents, Publishing, OH MY!

A year ago, after my finishing my first novel, I thought that the hard part was over. I had some friends at the university, so I had everyone in the English department in on the project. It was reviewed, edited, and reviewed and edited again. Then, I killed my darlings (30,000) of them, and had it reviewed and edited yet again.

It was ready, right? Finished. Finito. Now, all I had to do was write a query and get picked up by an agent.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

I have been through at least 59 versions of my query letter. When I first finished the novel, I thought compressing the novel down to a couple short paragraphs was the most impossible task. I'm getting better at it. Actually, I just submitted what I feel is my final version to query shark. I know I have a lot to learn, but I am researching like an obsessed teacher's pet.

There are a lot of things I am finding out about the publishing world and myself.

I figured, after a bunch of rejections, that I could self-publish. Not only do I have a Creative Writing degree, but I also have a Digital Media and Design degree. (I thought they went hand in hand!) Knowing how to create my own cover art and format the entire look of the novel is going to save me a lot of money. I can do that all by myself, so why do I need an agent?

Well, maybe I don't. But, do I want one? Hell yes, I do.

It's not that I'm not up for the task of marketing. I can handle websites (hell, I can create websites myself). I can sell door to door. I can travel all around to bookstores. I can start book clubs. I can do press releases and volunteer work. I can promote my book, no problem. I am great with branding and I am an entrepreneur at heart. I'm not intimidated by the road of self-publishing, and I get to keep all my cash, right? Well, I guess it depends on who I have publish for me. I need to do more research! Typing. Clicking. AhHa

There are a gazillion publishers out there. Some are closing down, some are just starting up. I don't want just any publisher. Bagging one of the big names would be AWESOME, but we'll see how it goes. I was checking out a publisher last night, and in the submission guidelines, it said,


Hmmmm. I want a better relationship with my publisher than that. But, I guess the bonding can come later.

Then I see all these agents in social media space lamenting their full inboxes and telling tales of how terrible the queries are. Why do they do what they do if they don't enjoy it? Are they really so bogged down with terrible queries that they are just shutting down from the inside?

Then comes that moment... you finally find the perfect agent... one you think you can connect with and the relationship will be great. He/she doesn't want you back. Again, and again, and again.

Back to the query. Make it better. Sharper. Hook that baby.

What is the best way for me? Right now, I don't really know. I feel like I can build myself up and prove my sales. The most important thing for me is to get my book out there. I'm ready to work, and I work HARD. I am anal-retentive and I am obsessed with excellence. I am going to work my A** off to get my book out there into hands.

So, let's do it.

How do I do this?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sir Stephen King

By: Dark Tower Writing and Design- Amber R. Hiles


By: Dark Tower Writing and Design-Amber R. Hiles

My Query Letter-

Agent Person
Some street number
Some town, Some Country

Agent Person,
I know that I’m not meant to be alive. It runs in my family. It’s nothing you can convince me otherwise because it is my truth. No amount of talk or therapy or prescriptions are going to change that.
            You got a truth? I know you do. Every family does. But, the difference between you and me is not everyone knows your family secrets. Everyone knows mine, and if they forget, they can check the papers.
     You got it on your mind now. I can see it in your eyes. My family isn't any more messed up than yours… than anyone’s. It’s all about phases, energy, and those goddamned generation curses. But, hey, look at the bright side; maybe your curse can be broken. I can respect that. But, not mine. Mine’s stone. It’s not going to change.
Please consider my novel, Water and Stone. Complete at 92,000 words, one reader has referred to my manuscript as Kafka-esque. This novel will find readership among those who enjoy sci-fi works like those of Margaret Atwood and the psychological horror of Stephen King.
            The first chapter of Water and Stone was chosen for awards for the Agnes Hyde writing contest, and it was published in the Spring 2014 edition of the literary journal, Prairie Winds. I have a double major in Creative Writing and Web/Graphic Design. My second novel is entitled, Tickets to See the Sun. 

 I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration. 

 Kind Regards, 

Amber R. Hiles



Sunday, September 14, 2014

We are Responsible for Each Other

My husband, kids and I went shopping. We went to a couple places to get some random things for the week (and my copper wire so I can start experimenting with wire work and stones).

On the way to the big box store, we drove under the interstate. There were 2 gentlemen sitting there. It's not uncommon to see people sitting on the side of the road there. One older gentleman, and one middle aged. There they were, sitting on top of all of their possessions... swallowing what pride they had to beg for what they needed. We drove by them and went to the store.

We left the store, and hit a stoplight. I started digging in my wallet. Next to me, my husband was holding cash in his hand. 

I said, "What's that for?"

He said, "What are you getting money out for?"

We were both pulling money out for those men. Without even discussing it. 

We pulled up to the first man. We had bought some fruit at the store so I opened the bag of apples and tore some bananas off of the bunch. I got out of the car, walked over to the first man and handed him some cash and fruit. 

"Good luck," I said.  He gave me a heartfelt thanks.

We turned around and headed back to the other man. Again, I got out and walked over to him. I handed him the fruit.

"I can't have apples," he said. "No front teeth."

"I have more bananas. Just a minute," I said back. Another heartfelt thanks. He told me he loves bananas.

When I got back to the car, tears welled up in my eyes. I looked over and my husband was welling up as well.

My son (almost 5) asked me why they were sitting there.

"They are down on their luck, Corbin. They don't have much, so we give them what we can. If you ever drive by someone, and they need help, stop. Always stop. Always help them. If you have an opportunity to help someone, always do it. Always."

"Why do those other people drive by then?" He queried.

"I don't know honey. I really don't. But don't be one of them. We have a responsibility to each other, honey. Everyone deserves the same respect. Everyone. Don't think about why they are where they are. Don't think about their past. Don't wonder about how they got to where they are. The fact is, they are sitting there and they need help. That's it. They need help. Don't ever give up a chance to help someone."

"OK Mommy."

As I sit here recalling what happened, I'm in tears. What a beautiful opportunity it was to feed someone. What a beautiful opportunity it was to teach my son a lesson about respect and love for others. Too often I hear people make excuses for why they won't help others. "They messed up. If they would do this, it wouldn't be that way. They did this to themselves." It's malarkey. MALARKEY! It doesn't matter how it happened. What matters is they need help. Right now. In the present. And those who are more fortunate should always help. If every person who drove by those men gave them a dollar, if every person in my hometown gave them a dollar, they would have enough  to get a home for a year, food for three years. But, they drive by. They're too busy. They can't be bothered. It's so sad to me that people have lost their respect for each other. 

If you see someone in need, help them. Don't seek out praise. Just do it because you can. Just do it because they are like you- human. We all need help sometimes. 

Be true to you.

Fare thee well.

Sunday Morning

It started out pretty okey day with the brisky morning' munchin'.

That's what I would say if I were JarJar.

It is brisky, and we did munch. Now, it's time to take the day seriously.

A lazy day, you say? It's Sunday... I should take a break before the craziness of the new week?


I can't afford to lose a day doing nothing. There is too much to accomplish. Not to mention, I don't have an off switch. If I did, I wouldn't have time to look for it.

There's a lot on my plate today. My daughter and son have strewn their toys throughout the house. I have homework to do for my double major, and I have a ton of work to do at my job.

I would rather be out exploring in the brisk air with my kids. I would rather be reading a book in the sunshine. I would rather be painting pumpkins. I would rather be lying in bed with my husband smelling his cologne and soap. I would rather be working on my second novel.

But, I have to homework to do.
I have work to do.

There is a balance.

My daughter is yelling for me.

Be true to you.

Fare thee well.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Because I'm an Aries

I can't remember when, but I do remember where. Where is irrelevant.

I was reading about Sagittarius and Scorpio traits (my son and daughter), and I happened across some information about Aries not being able to settle with any one thing. Their interests jump all over the place.

I'm not full-blown Arien. I am a cusp baby... Aries/Pisces. Water and Fire. Passionate and Stubborn. Driven and spiritual.

I always thought something was wrong with me... When I find a new passion, I latch onto it like a starving lion to a bloody steak. I'm all over it. But, this passion fizzles eventually, and sometimes, without finishing, I move on to the next thing. I generally come back to things, and this isn't to say that I have a tendency to leave things unfinished, because I am also anal-retentive, but the point is this: I discovered a trait about myself. And here's the news- It isn't good or bad. It's just me. That's just the way I am. And this is a good quality for a writer and artist. I learn a lot, all the time. My interests are always stretching out into new areas, and I find inspiration within just about everything.

Take some time to learn about yourself. You are the most important and interesting person there is. Google your sign. Do some searching around in Numerology, Tarot, Palm Reading, Tea Reading... talk to a Navajo woman about your spirit guide or spirit animal. Discover yourself.

Then, accept you. Be happy that you are you, and you are unique.

What is your "thing" these days? What are you into?


I'm into sketching faces and I want to learn about wrapping copper wire and the healing properties of stones. I'm also really into holistic healing. Add some links if you want about any of the above. :) Thanks.

Be true to you.

Fare thee well.