Saturday, September 13, 2014

Because I'm an Aries

I can't remember when, but I do remember where. Where is irrelevant.

I was reading about Sagittarius and Scorpio traits (my son and daughter), and I happened across some information about Aries not being able to settle with any one thing. Their interests jump all over the place.

I'm not full-blown Arien. I am a cusp baby... Aries/Pisces. Water and Fire. Passionate and Stubborn. Driven and spiritual.

I always thought something was wrong with me... When I find a new passion, I latch onto it like a starving lion to a bloody steak. I'm all over it. But, this passion fizzles eventually, and sometimes, without finishing, I move on to the next thing. I generally come back to things, and this isn't to say that I have a tendency to leave things unfinished, because I am also anal-retentive, but the point is this: I discovered a trait about myself. And here's the news- It isn't good or bad. It's just me. That's just the way I am. And this is a good quality for a writer and artist. I learn a lot, all the time. My interests are always stretching out into new areas, and I find inspiration within just about everything.

Take some time to learn about yourself. You are the most important and interesting person there is. Google your sign. Do some searching around in Numerology, Tarot, Palm Reading, Tea Reading... talk to a Navajo woman about your spirit guide or spirit animal. Discover yourself.

Then, accept you. Be happy that you are you, and you are unique.

What is your "thing" these days? What are you into?


I'm into sketching faces and I want to learn about wrapping copper wire and the healing properties of stones. I'm also really into holistic healing. Add some links if you want about any of the above. :) Thanks.

Be true to you.

Fare thee well.

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