Sunday, September 14, 2014

We are Responsible for Each Other

My husband, kids and I went shopping. We went to a couple places to get some random things for the week (and my copper wire so I can start experimenting with wire work and stones).

On the way to the big box store, we drove under the interstate. There were 2 gentlemen sitting there. It's not uncommon to see people sitting on the side of the road there. One older gentleman, and one middle aged. There they were, sitting on top of all of their possessions... swallowing what pride they had to beg for what they needed. We drove by them and went to the store.

We left the store, and hit a stoplight. I started digging in my wallet. Next to me, my husband was holding cash in his hand. 

I said, "What's that for?"

He said, "What are you getting money out for?"

We were both pulling money out for those men. Without even discussing it. 

We pulled up to the first man. We had bought some fruit at the store so I opened the bag of apples and tore some bananas off of the bunch. I got out of the car, walked over to the first man and handed him some cash and fruit. 

"Good luck," I said.  He gave me a heartfelt thanks.

We turned around and headed back to the other man. Again, I got out and walked over to him. I handed him the fruit.

"I can't have apples," he said. "No front teeth."

"I have more bananas. Just a minute," I said back. Another heartfelt thanks. He told me he loves bananas.

When I got back to the car, tears welled up in my eyes. I looked over and my husband was welling up as well.

My son (almost 5) asked me why they were sitting there.

"They are down on their luck, Corbin. They don't have much, so we give them what we can. If you ever drive by someone, and they need help, stop. Always stop. Always help them. If you have an opportunity to help someone, always do it. Always."

"Why do those other people drive by then?" He queried.

"I don't know honey. I really don't. But don't be one of them. We have a responsibility to each other, honey. Everyone deserves the same respect. Everyone. Don't think about why they are where they are. Don't think about their past. Don't wonder about how they got to where they are. The fact is, they are sitting there and they need help. That's it. They need help. Don't ever give up a chance to help someone."

"OK Mommy."

As I sit here recalling what happened, I'm in tears. What a beautiful opportunity it was to feed someone. What a beautiful opportunity it was to teach my son a lesson about respect and love for others. Too often I hear people make excuses for why they won't help others. "They messed up. If they would do this, it wouldn't be that way. They did this to themselves." It's malarkey. MALARKEY! It doesn't matter how it happened. What matters is they need help. Right now. In the present. And those who are more fortunate should always help. If every person who drove by those men gave them a dollar, if every person in my hometown gave them a dollar, they would have enough  to get a home for a year, food for three years. But, they drive by. They're too busy. They can't be bothered. It's so sad to me that people have lost their respect for each other. 

If you see someone in need, help them. Don't seek out praise. Just do it because you can. Just do it because they are like you- human. We all need help sometimes. 

Be true to you.

Fare thee well.

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