Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Morning

It started out pretty okey day with the brisky morning' munchin'.

That's what I would say if I were JarJar.

It is brisky, and we did munch. Now, it's time to take the day seriously.

A lazy day, you say? It's Sunday... I should take a break before the craziness of the new week?


I can't afford to lose a day doing nothing. There is too much to accomplish. Not to mention, I don't have an off switch. If I did, I wouldn't have time to look for it.

There's a lot on my plate today. My daughter and son have strewn their toys throughout the house. I have homework to do for my double major, and I have a ton of work to do at my job.

I would rather be out exploring in the brisk air with my kids. I would rather be reading a book in the sunshine. I would rather be painting pumpkins. I would rather be lying in bed with my husband smelling his cologne and soap. I would rather be working on my second novel.

But, I have to homework to do.
I have work to do.

There is a balance.

My daughter is yelling for me.

Be true to you.

Fare thee well.

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